Group | Command | Description | Syntax / Example |
Towny Commands More Information can be found at |
Towny | /towny | Displays the basic towny command rundown. add ? after to display more. | /towny ? |
Towny | /towny map | Displays the current towny location map. This shows you nearby claimed and unclaimed regions to allow you to plan your town. | /towny map |
Towny | /towny prices | Displays the prices of starting and operating a town. | /towny prices |
Towny | /plot | Displays a list of available plot commands. This command is used to toggle features such as PvP and Mobs within your town. | /plot |
Towny | /plot toggle | Toggle the target feature. Targets can include: fire, pvp, mob | /plot toggle [target] |
Towny | /town | Displays your hometowns current information, if you belong to one. | /town |
Towny | /town [name] | Displays another towns current information. Spaces in the towns name need to be replaced with underscore ( _ ) | /town [name] |
Towny | /town list | Displays a list of current towns on the server. | /town list |
Towny | /town new [townname] | Creates your own brand new town with the name you enter (Spaces must be underscores) - Only works if you have enough money in your account to do so. Name cannot be taken by another. | /town new [townname] |
Towny | /town claim | Claims an additional plot for your town. Must be connected to an existing plot via one of its borders. You must have enough money in the town bank to do this (NOT your bank!) | /town claim |
Towny | /town claim outpost | Claims an additional plot for your town. Can be detached from the current town and as far away as you wish. You must have enough money in the town bank to do this (NOT your bank!) | /town claim outpost |
Towny | /town unclaim | Unclaims the plot you are currently standing in (USE WISELY!! Not Undoable!!) - Does NOT Issue refund for the plot cost. | /town unclaim |
Towny | /town delete | Permanantly Deletes your town. This includes all plots and outposts and the town bank, including any funds left it in. This is NOT undoable!! | /town delete |
Towny | /town deposit [amount] | Deposits the chosen amount into the towns bank. These funds are necessary to expand the borders of the town and create outposts in other locations. | /town deposit [amount] |
Towny | /town withdraw [amount] | Withdraws the chosen amount from the towns bank. These funds are necessary to expand the borders of the town and create outposts in other locations. | /town withdraw [amount] |
Towny | /town leave | Leaves your current town. If you are the mayor, you are required to either delete the town or pass mayor to another player before leaving. | /town leave |
Towny | /town add [player] | Invites [player] to join your town. Upon accepting, they are granted access to everything a town member would have access to. | /town add [player] |
Towny | /town kick [player] | Removes [player] from your town. They are revolked access to everything a town member would have access to and become an 'outsider'. | /town kick [player] |
Towny | /town set [item] | Allows you to control aspects of your town. These include the following; board (message) | mayor [playername] | homeblock | spawn | name (name) |
/town set [item] |
Towny | /town toggle [item] | Allows you to control aspects of your town. These include the following; fire, mobs, pvp |
/town toggle [item] |
Finance | /money | Allows you to check how much money you currently possess. | /money |