Regions are sorted into the groups below. They determine the general feel and conditions of the areas. Pick the area you most would like to build a town or house in. You can freely travel between them, this just acts as a quick teleport to get you started.
The frigid region consists primarily of cold snowy icy biomes. Biomes range from tall snowy forests, rugged aged forests, icy swamplands, overarching glaciers, serrated icy valleys, lush taiga forests, to eroded valleys warmed by geothermal energy from the surrounding landscape.
The rugged region is made up of mountainous biomes that touch the clouds. It has vast deserts, mesas, tall pine forests, cracked landscapes, red plains with hulking cliffs, and massive overhanging forested cliffs that threaten to crush all that stands.
The fertile green landscapes of the lush region bloom with shrouded forests, tranquil waterside forests, hulking forests that drop into watery chasms, eroded sandy lowlands with overhanging forests. It has fields of wild wheat, tropical forests, and jagged jungles.
Classes are designed only around starting items. The class you pick determines your 'starter kit' of items. Choose the set that suits your skills to get you started on your adventure.
The starting area is fairly small, and is designed to simply introduce you to the 3 regions and what they look and feel like. Remember that these are not permenant decisions, as such you can go wherever you feel you would enjoy the most. Below is a 3-Step guide on getting started.